Billionaire Activism

Submitted by Andrew Boyd:

We lowly activists have done shit like this before, but this is the second richest person in the world and geek-in-chief doing it…

Bill Gates releases swarm of mosquitoes on TED audience
by Georgina Robinson
February 5, 2009

Microsoft chairman Bill Gates has released a swarm of mosquitoes into an audience at a technology and design conference in California.

Bill Gates Releases Mosquitos at TED Conference

High profile members of online networking service Twitter reported the incident on Wednesday (US time), which reportedly occurred during Gates’s talk on malaria eradication, a cause the entrepreneur is pushing through his philanthropic foundation.

“Bill Gates just released mosquitos into the audience at TED and said ‘Not only poor people should experience this’,” Facebook manager Dave Morin wrote on Twitter. Continue reading “Billionaire Activism”

Shoe Hurling Action Planned

Americans to Boot President Bush Out of the White House

shoebushWHEN: Monday, January 19th at 11:00 a.m. ET

WHERE: Rally begins at DuPont Circle, followed by a march to the White House with shoes and combat boots

On President Bush’s last day in office, people will gather at DuPont Circle in Washington, D.C., for an event entitled “Shoes for Bush.” The rally will feature David Swanson, the author of the forthcoming book “Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union.” He is also the creator of the progressive blog After Downing Street. Other speakers include Iraq veteran Adam Kokesh, who is a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Debra Sweet, anti-war leader and director of the organization World Can’t Wait, Tim Carpenter, President of Progressive Democrats for America; Poet /Activist Lori Perdue from Indianapolis, Indiana; Ann Wright, retired U.S. Army Colonel; Gael Murphy, co-founder of Code Pink; and the “Yes We Can Can” dancers. EMCEE- Jamilla El-Shafei, organizer from Kennebunk, Maine.

After the rally participants will march to the White House with footwear to hurl. This action will be in the spirit of Iraqi Journalist Mutadhar Al-Zaidi who threw his shoes at President Bush during a press conference, and in solidarity with the people in Iraq and Afghanistan.

thanks Deb

Join the Plot


Greenpeace Buys Land To Block New Heathrow Runway
by Dave Demerjian
January 13, 2009

heathrow-200Greenpeace announced today that it has bought a parcel of land that sits directly in the path of a proposed third runway for London’s Heathrow Airport. It’s the latest move in a long-running battle between environmentalists who say expanding Heathrow would be an environmental catastrophe, and expansion advocates who say without a new runway Europe’s top airport will become an antiquated also-ran.

Greenpeace’s plan for the 0.4-hectare parcel, which it purchased from an undisclosed owner, is sure to have expansion advocates reaching for the Rolaids. The group will sell off the land in tiny pieces to environmentalists, celebrities, and anyone else who feels like buying in. This means that if the UK government were to exercise eminent domain laws to acquire the land, it would have to deal with thousands of different landowners and the lawsuits they would be sure to bring. Regardless of where you stand on the expansion issue, you can’t deny that Greenpeace’s move is a brilliant one. Continue reading “Join the Plot”


Carrotmob, which recently begat Virgance, organizes consumers to make purchases that give financial rewards to those businesses who agree to make socially beneficial choices.

Carrotmob Makes It Rain from carrotmob on Vimeo.

From the Carrotmob Web site:

…groups of Carrotmob organizers are springing up all around the world… one crew recently tried out a campaign in London (see an article in the Guardian here), and there’s another one in Helsinki this Saturday (RSVP here if you speak Finnish)! There are more people looking into organizing Carrotmobs all over, from Kansas City to New York to Shanghai…. We will let you all know as these ideas start evolving into more official Carrotmob events….

Read more:

  • Get carrotmobbing with founder Brent Schulkin – Huddler Interview, Green Home, July 14, 2008
  • Ready? Set. Shop!, San Francisco Magazine, June 2008
  • Want a Greener Tomorrow? Every 40-Ounce Counts, Wired, April 1, 2008
  • Protest Protesting!

    Here are two humorous alternative protests reported by James David on Groundswell, a blog dedicated to clever and innovative trends of art and design in activism:

    June 5, 2008:

    Tony Mullin uses green screen technology to circumvent the Serious Organized Crime and Police Act 2005, which prohibits anyone staging spontaneous protests within a 1km radius of Westminster”™s Houses of Parliament.

    Tony Mullin and Green Screen Protesting

    Blank placards can be carried during the video-taped event, overlaid with poster designs and slogans, and uploaded to YouTube (or otherwise distributed.) About a year ago, he led a group of volunteers on a walk through the exclusion zone carrying blank green placards. In essence, anyone with the means can add their message to the footage.

    via Not an Alternative and wemakemoneynotart

    June 12, 2008:

    This April Fool”™s Day, the Boston Society of Spontaneity held a protest against protests. Posing as radical members of a fake political action committee called Citizens Against Protests, Rallies, & Expression (C.A.P.E.R. for short) the group held a protest in a spot locally known for protests – Harvard Square.

    Boston SOS

    For more on this story, visit Groundswell and/or watch the video.