Doctor Humor

Because we could use something light-hearted…

“Laughter really IS the best medicine! Photos reveal the hilarious – and occasionally inappropriate – pranks that doctors pull on their patients”
by Martha Cliff
Daily Mail
May 4, 2017

Let’s face it, no one enjoys a visit to the doctors – however these GPs are determined to add some humour to their practice.

A collection of images compiled by BoredPanda has revealed the hilarious and sometimes wildly inappropriate gags pulled by medical professionals.

One sign pointed out to those complaining about waiting that they were the lucky ones as their condition doesn’t warrant them in danger enough to be seen first.

Another endearing photo sees a young girl playing a game of Operation with her nurse ahead of a serious operation.

So whether you deem these photos amusing or unprofessional – they were sure to ease the nerves of the patients. Read more.

Office Stress Management Pranks

Parker: Real-estate stress opens door to pranks
by Penny Parker
Denver Post
December 8, 2009

doorbell-200State employees are feeling the pinch of the real estate downturn, too. State-mandated furloughs and the hiring freeze have contributed to the Real Estate Division’s stress and burnout.

In an effort to pump up Cary Whitaker, manager of the mortgage broker program “” the program that has the most complaints and fewest employees “” division staff members decided to punk him while he was on vacation.

They installed a doorbell in his ceiling tiles and passed around the remote that rang the bell to anyone who had been annoyed by Whitaker’s crankiness.

For a week, staff randomly rang the doorbell, torturing Cary while he answered calls, drafted a mortgage company bill and generally tried to do his work, all in an effort to get him to laugh.

“I learned of the prank last Tuesday and decided it was inappropriate,” said Erin Toll, director of the Colorado Division of Real Estate. “By Wednesday, I was asking for the doorbell and ringing it like crazy. State employees are people, too.” Continue reading “Office Stress Management Pranks”

High-Minded Holiday Gifts 2009: The Prank Books of John Austin

The prank books of toy designer John Austin:


Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction: Build Implements of Spitball Warfare ($11.53 on Amazon)
This humorous MacGyver inspired tactical guide illustrates the full potential of everyday items and their lethal potential to be transformed into a menacing arsenal. Learn to build Shoelace Darts, Clothespin Catapult, Penny Bombs, Airsoft Pen Poppers, Ping Pong Zookas and thirty more inexpensive Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Cubicle Warfare: 101 Office Traps and Pranks ($10.19 on Amazon)
Perfect for every cubicle drone whose eyes are beginning to glaze over from fluorescent lighting and too many burned cups of coffee, Cubicle Warfare has 101 office pranks and traps that will erase office boredom during the daily grind once and for all.

Prank University: The Ultimate Guide to College’s Greatest Tradition ($10.76 on Amazon) Continue reading “High-Minded Holiday Gifts 2009: The Prank Books of John Austin”

The 25 Best High-Tech Pranks

From Tech Cult:

The 25 Best High-Tech Pranks

Everyone loves a good laugh, and in the age of electronics, high-tech hijinks are just waiting to be pulled off. So snuggle up to your screen and get ready to unleash all sorts of shenanigans as we present the 25 best high-tech pranks known to man. Our apologies in advance to your friends and co-workers.

officepranks-72.jpg1. The Restart Remap

We start with one sure to throw off even the most advanced Windows user. Setup is simple and you need only a few seconds alone on someone”™s computer. When you get a chance, sneak over and right-click your pal”™s icon to Internet Explorer or some other commonly used program. Edit the properties and change the target to: “%windir%system32shutdown.exe -r -t 00_ Now, every time your buddy tries to run IE, his machine will mysteriously restart “” and your laughter will instantly result.

2. Startup Folder Fun

While we”™re on the topic of system startups, the Windows Startup folder is a fantastic place for fun. Create a text file with an amusing message and throw it in there so your cubicle mate will get a daily greeting “” or, if you really want to get evil, add in the restart shortcut from above (not recommended unless you just want to get your ass kicked).

3. Disappearing Desktop

A classic computer prank never goes out of style. The desktop image trick has been around for a bit, but rest assured: There are plenty of unsuspecting victims still to be found. Just head over to an unattended computer, minimize all the windows, and hit the Print Screen key. Paste the captured image into any graphic editing program “” even Microsoft Paint will do “” then save the file and set it as the desktop background. Then, all you have to do is hide the actual icons on the desktop “” put them in a folder somewhere “” and your victim will try endlessly to click the nonexistent icons, which are actually just part of the background image. For another variation, leave one program open when you capture the screen and watch as the person tries to click on it, type in it, and close it to no avail. Continue reading “The 25 Best High-Tech Pranks”