Weird Smell in NYC – Aunt Jemima Suspected

Update from Marcy LaViollette, February 5, 2009:

Apparently they finally think they’ve solved the maple syrup mystery!

From Gothamist, January 5, 2009:

The Maple Syrup Smell… is Back for 2009!


In the past hour, we’ve received five emails alerting us to the alarming news: The sticky sweet scent of maple syrup has made its 2009 debut! So far, the smell appears to concentrated on the Upper West Side, but please let us know if you’ve suddenly gotten hungry for pancakes because the scent of breakfast has been so overpowering. Email us at tips(at)gothamist(dot)com.

Previous maple syrup incidents: October 2005, March 2006, November 2006, November 2007, and May 2008. Plus a November 2007 cameo on 30 Rock. Continue reading “Weird Smell in NYC – Aunt Jemima Suspected”