How Do You Illustrate Corruption?

How Do You Illustrate Corruption? Artist Rachel Schragis Explains
by J.A. Myerson
5 November 2011

Rachel Schragis is a 25-year-old New York City-based artist, educator and activist who created a flow-chart visualization of the Declaration of the Occupation of New York City. Since the image was posted on Facebook, comments began pouring in and the image was disseminated widely, not only among Schragis’ friends, but eventually by complete strangers.

It was featured on the Al Jazeera blog and several art blogs the next day. Occupy Wall Street’s Internet Working Group put it on the New York City General Assembly web site. Occupations and individuals all over the country have requested paper copies. There are now, two weeks after the image’s completion, plans for four different kinds of print distribution.

A scalable version (so you can read it) of the flow-chart is here.

J.A. Myerson interviews Rachel Schragis. Continue reading “How Do You Illustrate Corruption?”