A Chat With Bob Schriner, the Prankster Behind the Wendy’s Deep-Fryer Call

Full disclosure: I, Emerson Dameron, am a proud contributor to various Chunklet projects. My dividends from Chunklet’s revenue-sharing plan can be counted on one middle finger. I consider many in the Chunklet braintrust, including Bob Schriner and Henry Owings, my friends.

Henry Owings launched Chunklet as a zine in the ’90s in Athens, Georgia, after becoming disillusioned with proper music journalism. It drew in a range of writers, musicians, music-industry laborers, and comedians who wanted to poke fun at the commercial punk- and indie-rock establishment. Since then, it has released a range of entertainment products, taken full advantage of the internet, and showcased the savvy of phone pranksters including Earles and Jensen, erstwhile affiliates of The Best Show on WFMU.

In one of Chunklet’s prouder moments, contributor Bob Schriner achieved some minor digital notoriety by screwing with a Wendy’s fry cook.

Many, including our publishers, have expressed some skepticism about what really went on with this call. We gave Schriner an opportunity to explain himself. Continue reading “A Chat With Bob Schriner, the Prankster Behind the Wendy’s Deep-Fryer Call”

Faking out the Foodies

Food prank!

“Idiot Foodies Pranked Into Lovin’ McDonalds”
by Tara McGinley
Dangerous Minds
October 22, 2014

mcdonalds-happy-meal-mascotTwo Dutch pranksters from Life Hunters TV decided to hit up the annual culinary food convention in Houten to see if they could deceive foodies and “high-end food experts” with their supposed restaurant”™s new “organic” alternatives to fast food. All these two guys did was go to a local McDonald”™s to buy some artery cloggin”™ fixins, chopped up the Mickey D”™s into neat little squares and then stuck some toothpicks into the food. That”™s all.

So were the foodies impressed with this duo”™s new line of organic fast food? You betcha! One “expert” remarked:

“I feel some warmth releasing in my mouth. There a lot of different tastes!”

Yes and all of those different tastes swirling around your palette have names that sound like something you heard in chemistry class”¦

You”™ll be pleased to know that at least one of the “experts” tasting the McDonald”™s fare thinks it:

“Tastes like chicken.”

Several thought it tasted even better than “real” McDonald”™s!

Watch the video: Before hitting “play” on this video, please click on “settings” and then select “subtitles.”