
Last chance to see!



At The Art Academy Gallery
Exhibition dates 26 June – 5 July

Gallery opening hours Mon – Sat, 10am – 5pm or by appointment
201 Union Street
London SE1 OLN

(Close to Tate Modern)

Liane Lang and Annabelle Moreau are showing new work as part of the exhibition program at 201 Union Street. Extending their studios downstairs into the gallery they present work in film and installation. Continue reading “Xtenduum”

Sizing up your magical practice

(Or, how not to end up in a tinfoil hat.)
by Mordant Carnival

wordpress.com/ tag/el-p/feed/

It”™s the aim of this article to look at ways of appraising your magical practice, offering a few approaches and techniques to make sure things are on track as far as effectiveness goes and also to avoid some of the more common pitfalls along the way.

It”™s not always possible to apply the scientific method per se to this kind of work but the techniques and approaches associated with scientific investigation are applicable in many cases and can be very useful. This doesn”™t mean trying to prove that magic works, putting together a study that could find a home in The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society laying out evidence that Wednesday”™s sigil working was responsible for your getting laid last night. Since magic is such a nebulous beast, an experiential business with unprovables being kicked around all over the shop and subjectivity agogo, it is frequently a logical impossibility to talk in terms of proof and not necessarily desirable anyway. However, this does not mean that we have to give up all notion of a meaningful assessment of the success or otherwise of a working or a practice, an assessment based on discernment, critical thinking, logic and rationalism. “Proving” that magic works, or that a particular spell worked, is not the point. The point is analysing your results and your overall progress in an intelligent and meaningful way. Continue reading “Sizing up your magical practice”

Michael Shermer on Skepticism and Pseudoscience, from “TED Talks”

This video is from the TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) 2006 Conference and it lives exclusively on the TED Website. They also offer a 45.7MB video podcast of it you can download. Although there is an ad at the beginning and the end of the video, the content in between is well worth viewing. -SR

From the TED Website: “Skeptic Magazine founder Michael Shermer takes us on a hilarious romp through the strange claims we humans put forth as truth – from alien encounters to Virgin Mary sightings on pizza pies, to hidden messages revealed while playing ‘Stairway to Heaven’ backwards – and explains the evolutionary and cognitive basis for these lapses in reason… Continue reading “Michael Shermer on Skepticism and Pseudoscience, from “TED Talks””