An Obviously Fake Company Pretending To Pay Political Protestors is Invited to be Outted on Fox News

After fake news about this fake company’s anti-Trump activities is embraced and spread by right wing agitators, Tucker Carlson invites the head of the group, radical activist Dom Tullipso (not his real name), to appear live on Fox News. Carlson apparently thinks he’s going to dazzle (aka publicly embarrass) the guy with all the ways in which Fox TV knows he’s a fake.

Instead, the prankster, who is clearly trying to be as absurd as possible, keeping the interview going as long as he can, while switching from being anti-Trump to pro-Trump, ends up making Carlson look ridiculous for grandstanding against something so obviously silly.

BoingBoing, January 12, 2017:
Obviously fake “paid protester” site sets right wing media aflutter

VOX, , January 18, 2017:
A prankster tried to troll Fox News live on air. It”™s the strangest thing you”™ll see on cable news

Watch the video posted by someone who clearly has a political ax to grind:

Snopes, January 18, 2017:
Demand Protest placed several ads seeking paid protesters in January 2017, but the “company” was not a legitimate one

Thank you Lori Dorn & Josh Seftel