Pop Culture Sampled

Spectacular Take Over Battle
by Florian Kuhlmann


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For information about artist Florian Kuhlmann and his sampled digital art in his own words

I am a German artist who lives in Düsseldorf with a strong focus on the net and digital technology.

The themes of the images are mostly about economy (capitalism), technology, pop, faith, virtual reality, the media, mass culture, and surveillance, just to tell some of them.

My work – I call it digital painting or collages – is made out of hundreds and thousands of little pieces found on the net and merged together to new images. This is of course a tribute to copy-and-paste, sampling, and an open culture within in an open society.

At a certain point of the process I decided to give the work back to public domain, when it is finished. This is just a logical step, because there is no restriction or limitation in the medium itself. The pieces are done on the computer, the material comes from the net, so the screen is my canvas and it’s just a logical step to present them on this canvas – in this case on a website.

Everyone is free to download the images and use them likeever he or she wants, the image is free – like feedom :).