Street Action

Two clever publicity stunts from Armando Alves’ blog in Lisbon Portugal. Alves works for DRAFTFCB, producer of both videos.

#1 – Zebra Crossing

As và­timas de acidentes de automà³vel nem sempre està£o dentro da viatura.

Car accident victims aren’t always inside the vehicle.

Editor’s note: On the opposite side of the spectrum, in 1984, Joey Skaggs created “Walk Right!” — an ad hoc group of vigilante sidewalk etiquette enforcers who patrolled the streets to make New York City a better place to live and walk.

#2 – Taxi Sign

Se bebeu, nà£o arrisque. Ligue 707 308 294.

If you’ve been drinking, don’t risk it. Call 707 308 294.

Thanks Wooster Collective