Bigfoot — Escape Artist

While performing with the Tiny Top Circus during the Perform Chinatown: Chaos Reigns festival in LA on July 26, 2014, BIGFOOT once again escaped. The $10 million dollar reward, which had been rescinded when he returned from his sojourn in New York, has been reinstated. Everyone is warned to approach with caution, as BIGFOOT can be extremely flatulent.


Watch the video:

Bigfoot Captured!

Bigfoot, the 8th Wonder of the World

The most elusive and terrifying creature to roam the planet, captured alive!

On display for a limited time only. Brought to you by Tiny Top Circus, the world’s greatest and smallest traveling show on Earth. The only pataphysical circus in existence.

Saturday, June 7, 2014
12:00 Noon
Washington Square Park
New York, New York


Tiny Top Circus Banner

For more info, contact: Ringmaster, Peppe Scaggolini, info @

The Significant Objects Project: A “Pataphysical Science Experiment”

Submitted by W.J. Elvin III:

One man’s trash is another man’s fictional treasure
by Carolyn Kellogg
July 13, 2009

flintstoneCan a good story make something more valuable? What if it’s entirely untrue? And what if the person telling the story — like, say, a novelist — is a kind of professional liar; does a professional lie give an object more value? And, hey, what if you could buy something like that on EBay?

When authors Rob Walker (Buying In“) and Joshua Glenn (“Taking Things Seriously“), each of whom is curious about the meaning and value we assign to objects, met in Boston earlier this year, they came up with the idea for the fiction-auction project Significant Objects. Well-known literary authors — including Luc Sante and Lydia Millet — write a short story that serves the description for a basically worthless object that is then auctioned on EBay. The first set of auctions has closed, and while the ending prices were all less than $30, Walker points out that with listing prices beginning as low as 29 cents, the final value increased by as much 4,000%.

Jacket Copy’s Carolyn Kellogg e-mailed co-editor Glenn and participating author Matthew Sharpe (“Jamestown“) about the project.

JC: Kurt Andersen’s story about an old Christmas nutcracker is the first so far to tie one of the objects (fictionally) to a celebrity. It’s also the first to get a bit dirty. Are either of those themes that you expected? Continue reading “The Significant Objects Project: A “Pataphysical Science Experiment””