Lego Spinal Tap Video Tapped Out

Lego Rejects a Bit Part in a Spinal Tap DVD
by Andrew Adam Newman
The New York Times
August 10, 2009

In 2007, when Coleman Hickey was 14, he made a stop-action film using Lego pieces and figures to depict a concert performance of the song “Tonight I”™m Gonna Rock You Tonight,” by Spinal Tap, the parody band featured in the 1984 mock documentary “This is Spinal Tap.”

YouTube video:

Among the fans of the video, which has garnered 82,000 views on YouTube and includes a musician hurling himself into the audience of Lego figures and crowd surfing atop their upraised plastic arms, are the members of Spinal Tap. The band showed the video during performances of its recent “Unwigged and Unplugged” tour.

But Lego is not amused. Continue reading “Lego Spinal Tap Video Tapped Out”