2012 Ig Noble Awards Announced

The 2012 Ig Nobel Prize winners were announced and introduced on September 20 at a gala ceremony at Harvard University.

From How-to Geek: Here”™s video of the entire ceremony (jump to around the 50:00 mark to skip the setup phase):

From Improbably Research:

The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think. The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative “” and spur people”™s interest in science, medicine, and technology. Every year, in a gala ceremony in Harvard”™s Sanders Theatre, 1200 splendidly eccentric spectators watch the winners step forward to accept their Prizes. These are physically handed out by genuinely bemused genuine Nobel laureates.

Here are the awards:

PEACE PRIZE: The SKN Company [RUSSIA], for converting old Russian ammunition into new diamonds.

ACOUSTICS PRIZE: Kazutaka Kurihara and Koji Tsukada [JAPAN] for creating the SpeechJammer “” a machine that disrupts a person’s speech, by making them hear their own spoken words at a very slight delay. Continue reading “2012 Ig Noble Awards Announced”