Middle Class Melt Down: Unconventional Ice Sculptures

Submitted by Deborah: Marshall Reese and Nora Ligorano did this melting ice sculpture called “Middle Class” for the Republic Convention. On to Democratic Convention next.

Middle Class Ice Sculptures

Melt down at the Republican and Democratic Conventions

Tampa: Lykes Gaslight Park, Sun., Aug. 26, 2012 / Unveiling 11:30 AM

Tampa Event from 11:30 AM-9 PM / Optimum time 11:30 AM-2:30 PM

Charlotte: Marshall Park, Tues., Sept. 4, 2012 / Unveiling 1 PM

Charlotte Event from 1-6 PM / Optimum time 1-3 PM

Large ice sculptures of the words Middle Class will melt away on the first day of the Republican and Democratic Conventions, in nearby public parks in Tampa and Charlotte. The work is by artists Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese. The sculptures they will install weigh over 2,000 pounds and measure 15 feet wide. Individual letters are 4 feet tall.

The artists call these sculptures “temporary monuments.” After unveiling them, Ligorano and Reese let them melt away and film their disappearance, which can take anywhere from 6 to 24 hours. The dates for the conventions, “do not bode well,” Reese says, “for the sculptures”™ survival.” “They may disappear,” Ligorano adds, “even faster than usual. It”™s a tossup whether, that”™s due to economic or climatic conditions.” Continue reading “Middle Class Melt Down: Unconventional Ice Sculptures”