Google Street Theater, Act II

Naked man in boot on German Google Street View
by A.Phillips
Business Review Europe
November 24, 2010

Google Street View has been launched in Germany after a lot of skepticism and protest from the German population

The launch has been like no other with images appearing of a woman apparently giving birth on a pavement and a naked man in the boot of a car next to what appears to be a dead dog.

The bizarre images have been removed by Google, who has revealed that they are under investigation; however the pictures in question have already made their way onto social media sites and forums and have sparked a wave on controversy and speculation.

A photograph taken in the Berlin suburb of Wilmersdorf captures a woman lying in the street after apparently giving birth while a kneeling man cradles a newborn baby.

However, popular debate suggests that the scene captured by Google”™s street cars was almost certainly a prank. Continue reading “Google Street Theater, Act II”