Announcing NYC’s 33rd Annual April Fools’ Day Parade

Come one, come all and help make this the largest military parade ever!

The New York April Fools’ Committee Is Proud to Announce:



New York”™s irreverent April Fools”™ Day Parade poking fun at the past year”™s displays of hype, hypocrisy, deceit, bigotry, and downright foolishness, returns! For the 33rd year, participants will bring outrageous floats and dress up in colorful costumes to mirror the folly of the nuttiest politicians, corporate leaders, celebrities and whoever else has proved to be a total fool in the past year. If it rains, marchers are encouraged to decorate umbrellas with slogans or images so their messages can be seen by people looking out their windows from above. Nothing is sacred. Our satire knows no bounds.

The theme for this year”™s parade is “TAKE A KNEE!” The parade will begin at 5th Avenue and 59th Street at 12 noon, Sunday, April 1, 2018. The procession will march down 5th Avenue, pause at Trump Tower at 56th Street and 5th where participants will, in spirit with Colin Kaepernick, “take a knee” in solidarity against police abuse. It will then proceed downtown to Washington Square Park for the climactic crowning of the King of Fools.

Last year”™s April Fools”™ Day Parade “Trumpathon”””the world”™s largest gathering of masked Donald Trump look-alikes was so successful that organizers vowed to repeat it. Get your Donald Trump look-alike mask here. Print it, cut it out and wear it to the parade: The parade committee will have hundreds of extra masks on hand in case you need one. We”™re going for a new world record for the largest assembly of Donald Trump look-alikes. Please tweet @artoftheprank and invite all your friends to this Second Annual Trumpathon! Continue reading “Announcing NYC’s 33rd Annual April Fools’ Day Parade”

Announcing New York’s 25th Annual April Fools’ Day Parade

From Joey Skaggs:

The New York April Fools”™ Committee Is Proud to Announce


“Up, Up and Away!”

The 25th Annual April Fools”™ Day Parade will begin at Fifth Avenue and 59th Street at 12 noon, Thursday, April 1, 2010. Rain or shine, the parade will march down 5th Avenue to Washington Square Park for the post-parade festivities and selection of the King or Queen of Fools from the costumed marching look-alikes.

The theme for this year”™s parade is “Up, Up and Away.” Led by Grand Marshall Ben Bernanke, the parade will kick off with the Where”™s-the-Money Marching Band playing this year”™s theme song by the Fifth Dimension “Up, Up and Away in My Beautiful Balloon.” Color commentary will be provided by Sarah Palin for her new Fox TV show “We Make It Up, You Believe It.” Thanks to a contribution by a secret donor in honor of the parade”™s 25th anniversary, 10,000 red, white and blue helium balloons, each with a crisp one-dollar bill attached, will be released along the parade route.

The floats this year will be led by Richard and Mayumi Heene with their Homemade Helium Flying Saucer Float. Next will be the Northwest Airlines Flight 188 “Siesta” Cockpit Float with pilot Timothy B. Cheney and first officer Richard I. Cole napping. Then a North Korea Missile Launch Float will launch H2O bombs into the crowd. The OK Corral Float will follow featuring Washington Wizards basketball stars Gilbert Arena and Javaris Crittenton with their guns a’blazing. Although we don”™t know what will be going on inside, Washington’s “C” Street House Float will come next. Then comes the Late Night TV Roman Chariot Race with Jay Leno, Conan O”™Brien and David Letterman pulled by network execs instead of horses as they battle for position. Continue reading “Announcing New York’s 25th Annual April Fools’ Day Parade”