Reinflating the Balloon Boy Hoax

Reality-TV-obsessed Richard Heene, whose theatrical Balloon Boy hoax transfixed the nation back in 2009, is back in the media. His son Falcon (the one everyone thought was accidentally in the homemade “flying saucer” when it took off) and his brothers have formed a band and written a song called “Balloon Hoax No Hoax.”

When you’re out of helium, try hot air…

Watch the video:

Read an interview with the family from, “Catching Up With Balloon Boy and His Family, Five Years Later”

Balloon Boy Game

We called it here, but now the world agrees, Balloon Boy was a hoax/publicity stunt. But, if you haven’t had enough of this media blitz yet, you can now play the Balloon Boy game from Heyzap Games and continuing wasting tax payer money…

Play the Balloon Boy Game: @import ‘’; var heyzap_medium = new Heyzap( ‘heyzap_games_medium’, {“game”: “balloon-boy-game”} ); heyzap_medium.renderMini( null, ‘medium’ );