Billboard Art Competition: Art Moves 2011 [Poland]

Submitted by Art Moves Festival Organizers:

Billboard Art Competition Art Moves 2011
Konkurs Sztuki na Bilbordach Art Moves 2011

Invitation to all the interested artists and students:

The best 10 artworks selected by an international jury panel will be printed and exhibited in the urban space of the city of Torun, Poland in September/October 2011. The author of the winning entry will receive the Main Award in the amount of PLN 10.000 (about EUR 2.540, USD 3.770). There is no entry fee.

The competition accompanies the 4th Festival of Art on Billboards Art Moves.

The artwork is supposed to be a creative response to this year’s competition theme: “Reality or fiction? Let’s pretend it’s not there.”

This slogan can serve as a kind of a metaphor of the processes taking place in the contemporary world. The slogan concerns daily matters and questions whether the things/situations in our daily life are real or fictional and how can we distinguish one from the other. Simultaneously, the slogan also raises a question what we, as individuals or as a community, are trying to hide. Are there any specific phenomena, processes or events we tend to intentionally ignore and pretend “it’s not there”? Continue reading “Billboard Art Competition: Art Moves 2011 [Poland]”