Banksy’s Hollywood Hype

Posted by Sasha Stone on, February 16, 2011:

Down the Rabbit Hole with Banksy and Mr. Brainwash

When the dust settles of Oscars 2010, which is mercifully in eleven long days, what will remain the most interesting thing about the season isn”™t that Roger Deakins might win his first Oscar, and it isn”™t the final Toy Story movie finally winning an Oscar, and it isn”™t Helena Bonham Carter finally winning an Oscar, or Colin Firth finally winning an Oscar, or The Social Network being shut out of the Oscars (be ready), it”™s Banksy. Banksy has crashed the Oscars with what is the most hilarious Oscar prank ever pulled.

I have at last found my relief in Banksy”™s participation in the big show. Why? Because he”™s nominated for a prankumentary. This has to be a first for Oscar, right? And it”™s so clever, no one can yet prove that it isn”™t real. But I”™m fairly sure, after a couple of viewings, it isn”™t real. And it”™s a glorious sham.

As if to punctuate the silliness of this, Banksy himself has landed here in Los Angeles and is spraying the city with his essence. These photos, as with all of his work, [are] being memed all over the internet. Sure, it”™s possible that Oscar strategists are pretending to be actual people spreading the Banksy word, but it”™s working. Continue reading “Banksy’s Hollywood Hype”