Lady Liberty to Make a Comeback

Statue of Liberty may return to Lake Mendota
by Jane Burns
The Capital Times
January 31, 2009


The cold, long winter has at least one good thing going for it: It might mean the return of the Statue of Liberty to Lake Mendota.

The Hoofers, the UW-Madison’s outdoor recreation club, is hoping to bring back the iconic faux statue as part of its Winter Carnival Feb. 16-21.

“It’s looking more and more like it’s going to happen,” said Kyle Olson, the Hoofer Council president and a UW-Madison senior. “There’s a lot of excitement about it.” Continue reading “Lady Liberty to Make a Comeback”

College Pranksters Come Clean After 50 Years

Revealed after 50 years: The secret of the greatest-ever student prank
by Laura Clark
Mail Online
27th June 2008

It was probably the most ingenious student prank of all time.

In June 1958, Cambridge awoke to see a car perched at the apex of an inaccessible rooftop, looking as if it were driving across the skyline.

The spectacle made headlines around the world and left police, firefighters and civil defence units battling for nearly a week to hoist the vehicle back down before giving in and taking it to pieces with blowtorches.

The shadowy group of engineering students who executed the stunt were never identified and the mystery of how they did it has baffled successive undergraduates and provided fodder for countless tourist guides.

Now, 50 years on, the group have reunited to disclose their identities and reveal how they winched an Austin Seven to the top of the university’s 70ft-high Senate House. Continue reading “College Pranksters Come Clean After 50 Years”

Draft Zachary Feinstein

Submitted by Steve Lambert:

Zachary Feinstein has declared for the NBA draft
He has no actual basketball experience!

Zach FeinsteinFrom Zach’s Web site:

The short story is that I, Zachary Feinstein, have declared for the 2008 NBA Draft. As a 5’8″ 130 pound Caucasian, I am the perfect candidate for professional basketball. Also, I do not play basketball.

You see, I am not currently on my college’s basketball team (Division 3 just for reference) nor did I try out to be. I was at no point on my high school’s basketball team nor did I try out to be. I was at no point on my middle school’s basketball team nor did I try out to be. The last time I was on a basketball team was before Bill Clinton got caught with his pants down.

So there you have it, I, Zach Feinstein, am in the 2008 NBA Draft.

If you do not believe me, go to: or for proof (under “unknown players”).

Support Zach Feinstein in Getting Drafted into the NBA
Read through my site, and let’s create a campaign to get the worst player ever to declare for the NBA Draft into the NBA.

I would like to thank everyone for their support, and I will be updating this site periodically.

thanks Michael

Zebra on the 3rd Floor? At Least It Wasn’t an Elephant

Editor’s note: Finally a dean with a sense of humor. The perpetrators did NOT get expelled or arrested!

College Prankster Puts Zebra in Emory Campus Building
by Charles Molineaux
April 23, 2008

photo_servlet-200.jpgOxford, Ga. (FOX 5) – Emory University was investigating the appearance of a zebra on the third floor of a building on its Oxford campus Wednesday. Somehow, someone got the animal up there Wednesday morning.

Right in the middle of the crunch before finals, students at Emory Oxford got an impromptu wildlife show, courtesy of a prankster with a sense of tradition.

The sight of an 800 pound zebra stunned students as they watched Newton County Animal Control coax and drag the animal out of Emory Oxford’s historic Seny Hall.

“And everyone’s jaw dropped and I’m looking up and there’s a zebra in the window, tapping its head on the glass. It was ridiculous,” said Emory Oxford Andrew Wilkinson.

Somehow, someone got the zebra, named “Bar Code” up onto the third floor of the building where security guards discovered it Wednesday morning.

The animal’s owner said Bar Code was lured away from his farm, about a half-mile away from the school. Continue reading “Zebra on the 3rd Floor? At Least It Wasn’t an Elephant”

70 Year Old Pulls College Prank

Submitted by Tim Jackson:

Harvard alum pulls the prank of his life
by Joseph P. Kahn
Boston Globe
March 2, 2008

harvard-seal-t-200.jpgWhen the Harvard class of 1959 gathers for its 50th reunion a year from June, they’ll chat about global issues and grandchildren, postretirement pursuits, and the inevitable health concerns. At some point they’re also bound to discuss a subject few thought much about until recently: classmate Arthur Lemay and why he tried to fool them all into thinking he was dead.

In a ruse Mark Twain might have concocted, Lemay, a retired management consultant from Northern California, circulated his own obituary on a Harvard ’59 e-mail listserv last month, then sat back and watched classmates’ reactions. The faux obit followed scores of right-wing polemics Lemay wrote and distributed over the years, e-mails that tweaked and often infuriated his more liberal-minded classmates, virtually none of whom remembered Lemay from their college days, but upon whom he’d managed to make quite an impression recently.

“Arthur knew he was dying as early as September of 2007,” began the death notice, which was signed by Lemay’s wife and posted in late January. Ascribing his death to kidney failure while vacationing in the Caribbean, it contained descriptive touches such as: “He loved to play roles: the agent provocateur, the crazed right-winger, the insane bomber…” And: “He was actually a very reasonable person, not given to extremes. Had you met him, you would find him quite reasonable, sympathetic to liberal views, personable, interesting, and full of information – some of it quite esoteric and obscure.” Continue reading “70 Year Old Pulls College Prank”