33rd Annual St. Stupid’s Day Parade in SF

Submitted by Ed Holmes of saintstupid.com:

The 33rd annual St Stupid’s Day Parade will be held in San Francisco on Friday, April 1st, starting at noon at the Embarcadero Plaza. Following its traditional weekday route, this sidewalk parade will loop thru the Financial District to make the ritual stops at the Stations of Stupid…the Federal Reserve Bank HQ for the ritual of the Dead Lottery Ticket, the Sock Exchange at the Pacific Stock Exchange, the Leap of Faith at the plaza of the holy Lug Nuts, the Penny Toss at the Bankers Heart and the Free Lunch.

contact: Ed Holmes, 510-841-1898, bishopj@saintstupid.com

Sponsored by the FIRST CHURCH of the LAST LAUGH, this event is open to public participation. Odd costumes, noise makers, satiric signage on the business of religion and the religion of business are encouraged.