Naked Cowboy to Run for Mayor

Abolafia 10001-100Editor’s note: It’s hard to compete with Louis Abolafia who, in 1968, ran for president. In his campaign poster, he was buck naked with his hands clasped over his private parts. His slogan was “What Have I Got to Hide?”

Naked Cowboy runs for NYC mayor – in his underwear
by Verena Dobnik
July 22, 2009

Naked Cowboy Candidate

New York (AP) — The Naked Cowboy wants to be the city’s mayor, promising transparency in politics – while running almost buck naked.

“I know how to do more with less,” said entertainer Robert Burck, clad as usual in a pair of white briefs, boots and a cowboy hat, as he announced his bid Wednesday in Times Square.

On most days, the 38-year-old ordained minister collects tourists’ tips while posing for photos with “Naked Cowboy” emblazoned across his underwear, cracking jokes and making up funny songs on the guitar strapped across his bare chest. Read the rest of the article here.

Abolafia photo: Havels House of History